expand/collapse risk warning

Trading financial products on margin carries a high risk and is not suitable for all investors. Ensure you fully understand the risks and take appropriate care to manage your risk.

Trading financial products on margin carries a high degree of risk and is not suitable for all investors. Please ensure you fully understand the risks and take appropriate care to manage your risk.

Your capital is at risk.


Trade Stocks on CFD with TradingMoon

Speculate on the price movements of more than 900 shares around the world.

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Get started
with Shares

Explore extensive trading opportunities all with tight spreads, no commission and a transparent pricing structure. You can trade more than 900 shares online, without the need to own the real asset.

Share CFDs allow investors to not only benefit when trading in rising markets but also when trading in falling markets, since shares can be bought or sold with contracts for difference.



Trade with bigger volume
on any platform

Trade it on Moon Trader, MetaTrader 4 or cTrader.



Trading made simple

Why the Pros prefer TradingMoon?


Powerful &

Industry leading conditions designed to take your trading to the next level.

spreads from as
low as 0.1 pips

No hidden cost. Full transparency.
Promotions, bonuses & more.

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